Look up the definition of word “Gang” and you come up with
(1) are generally perceived as a distinct aggregation by others in their neighborhood...translation...a bunch of guys that always hang out together.
(2) recognise themselves as a denotable group (almost invariably with a group name);...translation....a bunch of guys that have a name for their group.
(3) have been involved in a sufficient number of incidents to call forth a consistent negative response from neighbourhood residents and/or law enforcement agencies.....translation...if the people around you and the cops don’t like what your doing...you’re in a gang. Another definition is...A gang is a group of people who through the organisation, formation, and establishment of an assemblage share a common identity....
There is a massive comparison screaming to be made here. The definition of a gang compared to Political parties or politicians.
-Gangs...have a name tattooed on their body or embroidered on the back of there jacket. Political Parties have a name too usually with some sort of symbol.
-Gangs have to vote you in through some sort of initiation. You can join a political Party but to become a politician...you have to go through an election as kind of a initiation.
-Gangs break the law...some politicians and parties break the law too. (Taxes, Bribes etc.)
-Gangs sell bad drugs, Politicians run the health care system and buy and sell good drugs.
-Gangs unfairly extort money from good people, politicians unfairly tax good people.
-Gangs do things and act in a way that most people don’t like, Political Parties and Politicians do things and act in a way that more people don’t like.
-Gangs hold conventions, Political Parties hold conventions
-Gangs gather at a club house, Politicians gather at the Hill.
Well this list could go on forever, but you get the idea. I’m not in favour of gangs, except for the ones that use to beat me up in the school yard...hey you guys are still cool...nudgen nudge, wink, wink!! But as we grow past those gangs we learn to take the punches from a whole new legal gang. Now more than ever we are all relying on the gang we elected to help us and show us a light on the other side of the school yard. I can only hope that you and your family stay and work together through these terrible times. The Gang we elected can’t give us all the answers, some of those have to come from deep down inside you.
PS ... I hope some lawyer doesn't use this in some kind of twisted defence. Please feel free to add any more comparisons that you might think of.
Thanks for the read and comments are always welcome.
Bryan Cox
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