Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CRTC "Don't know DICK"

The CRTC is moving toward controlling Internet in Canada. China does a great job of that too. On the verge if having a whole new internet IPv6 unveiled, you wonder about their timing. The CRTC should have absolutely nothing to do with the Internet. In my opinion, these men and women, kind of know radio, tv and telecommunications, and in my opinion they don’t know that very well either. So why would they think they could handle the internet? If the Government thinks they MUST get involved with the internet, then there should be is a whole government ministry devoted to to internet. That works with Canadians to make it better and more useful. It should be staffed by qualified internet people not bureaucrats. But if they start to play the censorship card like the CRTC does so well...shut em down. Please keep the CRTC doing what they’re good at, ruining broadcasting in Canada.
Here’s a list of the government appointed commissioners and a brief bio , but to find out more please visit
I ask you to think about how many REALLY know Broadcasting. I mean worked in it, have a solid background. How many have worked with the internet from the ground up...really have an understanding of it. I’m talking about QUALIFIED EXPERTS in both fields.
Mr Finckenstein...You have a Judge
Mr. Arpin..You have a guy with only 8 years Broadcasting Experience before becoming a Bureaucrat.
Mr. Katz..a Telecommunications guy...but also in charge of broadcasting
Ms Cugini...a broadcasting Bureaucrat.
Mr. Denton...a lawyer
Ms. Duncan...she was a financial officer.
Ms Lamarre..Broadcast engineer with the CBC
Mr Menzies...Newspaper guy
Ms. Molnar...Customer Service Bureaucrat for a phone company
Mr. Morin..30 years as a journalist, but worked for Radio-Canada and RDI.
Mr. Patrone...a reporter
Ms. Poirier...a municipal politician
Mr. Simpson...a marketing and public relations guy
Mr. A. Morin...been employed by the Government in various departments, a Bureaucrat.
You tax dollars are paying for these folks to be the watch dogs of Canadian Media and now the Internet. This is like putting a 7-11 gas jockey in charge of GM. I can’t sing a note but I have over 25 year experience in Radio and Broadcasting, maybe I should become a singer and make records. Hey, I used to play them. The world of Media is changing at a very rapid pace and in my opinion the CRTC has out live it’s usefulness. Time to go. Time to be replaced by people that know what they’re doing.
Thanks for the reading my opinion.
Bryan Cox

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