Wednesday, April 22, 2009

To Catch a ...WHAT..Chris Hansen

He does this blog entry with his tongue, ya what he’s got left of it, planted firmly in his cheek.
Ok I might not be the most internet savvy guy around, but the other day I thought I’d innocently order a bunch of “Kinder Surprise” over the internet, for the family kids when they come to visit. The very next day I came home and low and behold there was Chis Hansen from NBC sitting at my kitchen table asking me to ..”Take a seat over there”
If this happens to you I’ve come up with some excuses that you can say and do that will never make onto tv. If you ever come face to face with Chris Hansen in your kitchen...

1. Dance into the room naked, show him your resume and credits and say...”I’m an out of work Actor, and this is the only way I can get National coverage.” Then break into song.

2. Tell him you knew a TV show was going to burst in, but you thought you were helping with the show “To Catch a Teenage Whore”.

3. Come out with your own film crew and tell him that he’s on the new show, “To Catch a Newsman, who’s given up on REAL Journalism”

4. Come out with your underfed pet Bengal Tiger and say...Chris looks like you’ve got a choice...Play a nice game of “Sigfield and Roy” or if you really want to catch a predator...go head”

I may joke about a very serious problem but I really think we should leave it up to our fine men and women in blue and not have it plastered all over prime time television. We should do everything in our power to help the police do their jobs in catching these predators. Let Chris Hansen get out of gutter reality television and go back to giving us the facts on some serious news stories. He could come up with a new show like “To Catch an AIG Executive” or something. Chris Hansen...”Get off My Lawn”. Don't miss the Greatest Chris Hansen Lines ... The Hansen Soundboard

Thanks for reading this comedy bit
Bryan Cox- Voice Actor and Stand-Up

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Monday, April 20, 2009

Voice Actor-Behind the Scenes

Being a voice actor may be looked upon as kind of a weird way to make a living. Out of all the media jobs I’ve had, voice actor is really different. The folks I’ve run into in this business have been giving and very kind. Let me tell you that when someone asks what you do for a living and you answer,”I’m a Voice Actor”, 90% of the time you hear, “a what”? In Voice acting, sure there’s a bit of the old “stab you in the back” but you’ll find that in any entertainment job. Being a voice actor is allot like being an on camera have to audition like crazy and know how to handle rejection. When you make it ...most voice actors are not afraid to give back and help the up and comers. Have a peek at this video to see what voice acting is about...kind of cool.

Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox - Voice Actor.

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Sunday, April 12, 2009

TV's Ass Kickin'

What’s going on with a days it seems that the networks will use any excuse stick on a rerun, Christmas, Easter, My mother is in the Bathroom...whatever. They think the viewers are doing something else and won’t watch the shows. Advertising revenue is down on all networks. One of the many reasons is, from an advertisers stand point, they don’t want to advertise on a rerun show that no one will watch. Reality Check...make more NEW episodes. How to fix the problem,

1. The regular working TV season is 13 weeks...expand that to 25 weeks of new episodes. The whole industry works more. More people tivo and watch because of new episodes. More viewers=more advertising!

2. Each network should have their own rerun channel. Not for the really old shows but all the stuff from the beginning of the season and even last season. They are starting to use the Internet for this right now.

3. A 2 Tier pricing system for can buy the rerun channel at one price or you could buy the main network channels at a premium price. Cause as you all know, more people watch new shows and episodes rather than reruns.

I really just touched the tip of the Iceberg here. It all comes down to making more money. These days you have to think outside of the box or it’ll become a coffin. You have to work harder... and smarter. Please feel free to leave a comment and or contact me...
Thanks for your time and the read.
Bryan Cox

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Friday, April 3, 2009

You've Worked in Radio To Long IF...

Thanks to my hard working radio buddy Darren James for this...JUST TO FUNNY

You know you've been in radio too long if ...

You were first hired by a GM who actually worked in radio before becoming GM.

You excitedly turn the radio up at the sound of "dead air" on the competitor's station.

Sales guys wore Old Spice to cover the smell of liquor.

You were playing Elvis' number one hits when he was alive.

You worked for only ONE station, and you could name the guy who owned it.

You remember when normal people listened to AM radio, and only "hippies" listened to FM.

Radio stations used to have enough on-air talent to field a baseball team every summer.

You're at least 10 years older than the last two PD's who fired you.

You used to smoke in the studio's and control room, and nobody cared.

You know the difference between good reel-to-reel tape and cheap reel-to-reel tape.

You have a white wax pencil, a razor blade, and a spool of 3M splicing tape in your desk drawer.

You can start a record, run down the hall to the toilet, and be back in 2:50 for the segue.

You knew exactly where to put the tone on the end of a carted song.

You only did "make-goods" if the client complained. Otherwise, who cares?

Sixty percent of your wardrobe has a station logo on it.

You always had a screwdriver in the studio so you could take a fouled-up cartridge apart at a moment's notice.

Agents were people like Maxwell Smart, James Bond and the Man From Uncle.

You answer your home phone with the station call letters.

You used to fight with the news guy over air-time. After all, what was more important:
the dumb joke about your ex-wife, or that tornado warning?

You still have nightmares of a song running out and not being able to find the control room door.

You run a phone contest and nobody called, so you made up a name and gave the tickets to your cousin.
Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox

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Monday, March 30, 2009

The Economy "Killed" the Radio Star?

With a massive downturn in the radio and television industries, there’s going to be a deluge of voices looking for work. A lot of these folks will turn to Voice Acting. If you think that you’re “Radio Sound” will get you work, you might as well try opening a GM dealership in Pakistan. Things have changed while you’ve been busy saying “Here’s a thousand in a row”. Now there’re a million of guys, armed with a “Barbie” microphone, calling themselves “Voice Actors”. You might find you’ll need alittle help.
OK there's probably one so called VO (Voice Over) expert with a course, CD or book to sell for every one that makes a true living from Voice Acting. I place these "teachers" in a group that I'd call Communication Gurus. With that said, they are in a very specialised area of the communication field but IMO still should be considered in the field of "communication". You can see here that NOT ONE is listed on Communication Gurus. What are they waiting for?
If you're looking for a "guru" please be careful. Do your research, talk to people in the business, ask questions. More times than not ...these “gurus” all have the same information that's just change around abit and repackaged...but it's still the same old message. Sometimes you'll even find that some of these so called VO Gurus don't even have their own vo demo. Aim to be yourself. That way you can offer VO agents and possible clients something that’s unique. Put together a demo but watch out there are the sharks that charge an arm and a leg to put together demos for you. If you’d like some FREE help please contact me and I’ll try to answer your questions.
I’m a Voice Actor, Common Sense Advertising Consultant and Stand-Up Comic. Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox


PS...The 2 things Voice industry really like these days..
1. Female Voices
2. The young “guy next door” non-announcer type of read.

Your Comments are always welcome

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Friday, March 27, 2009

You need a Professional VOICE

If you’re running an online business, or you’re a speaker about business or maybe you’re business is that of being a speaker. You are a professional at what you do and people pay you their hard earned money to hear what you have to say. Does it make any sense to have someone bumble through your intro as they bring you up to the podium or stage? I’ve seen this happen time and time again.
We’ll record an intro for you with exciting music...that will show you off, listing your credits and commanding audience applause and anticipation. This intro can be sent to you on an MP3 and you can burn it on to a disc or we can do that for you. Then it’s ready to be played anywhere anytime. It’s yours to keep for as little as 25.00us
Other uses you might find useful
--Video Narration
--Presentation Narration
--Web sites Intros
--Phone Messaging
Using the same voice is all part of your overall “Brand”
It’s time you showed everyone that YOU are a professional
Call or email Bryan Cox of Cox Marketing for your custom demo today.
306-653-1523 or

Thus ends the commercial

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Monday, March 23, 2009

Fox News...BLOW ME !!

I have to say I’m very proud of our troops fighting over in Afghanistan. Over 100 have died for a US cause. We are helping the US and then Fox News come out with a blatant onslaught on our troops. It’s not enough that they have to worry about getting killed by the they're being attack by the media in the US. As a a guy who’s got alot of Stand-up comedy experience behind him, I know better than anyone there are certain things you should not say or do in the name of comedy. Like look at a woman heckler and call her the “C” word. That show, The Red Eye has crossed all lines of comedy and good taste by slamming our efforts in the Middle East. I’m sorry Fox News, but you guys really are a bunch of.... “C” words.

Please remember that we, Canada, are the only country in the course of your history that ever KICKED YOUR ASS in a war...REMEMBER, WE WON!!

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Thursday, March 19, 2009

CBC Radio..What are you SMOKIN' ?

CBC Radio get off the pot and sell some advertising. This would ensure income for you and your employees.
Spokes people for the CBC have said that they wouldn’t consider selling ads on CBC Radio. They would consider selling off assets, programming cuts and the biggest, they didn’t deny, laying people off.
Lets look at this, selling off assets, a good idea. Programming cuts would lead to... layoffs. Granted the CBC is the biggest employer of “Dead Weight” in the country...not to mention the CRTC. So some lay off should be deemed necessary. Now if you sold advertising that would increase your bottom line and you would’nt have to keep running to the Canadian tax payer for funds or maybe less funds. With an increased bottom line you could keep most of your people employed. Keep that programming, yes the same programming with the lowest ratings in Canada. That should keep the “Friends of Canadian Broadcasting” happy.
So as it stands right now the CBC and The “Friends of Canadian Broadcasting” would rather see people laid off and lives of hard working broadcasters ruined, have programming cut, hand the Canadian Tax Payer a bigger bill from the CBC, than sell a bit of advertising time. WHAT ARE YOU SMOKING!!

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Wednesday, March 4, 2009


I voice a ton of commercials written by others and it just kills me to see clients being ripped off. For those of you who write the odd commercial, you’ve got to be rubbing your head these days. Your hearing the same thing from clients, “I’m going to cut back on my advertising”, “It’s not working for me”. I would hazard to guess that you’re writing the wrong type of ads. Ads that worked for your client 1 year ago won’t work in these times.
Folks today are buying with their head and not their heart. You can’t scream Sale, Sale, anymore. Trying to install a sense of “feeling” and talking to the right “intuitive” side of the brain won’t work. In these times buyers have switched to the “Thinking” side of the brain. So you have to give them clarity and direct information. Yes back to common sense and nothing but basic information will work in this economy, “touchy feely” is out.
If you’re a client, look for more bang for the buck. If an agency tells you that it’s going to take them a week to write a are being ripped off. Give them a deadline. Of course if you keep running back to them with changes, it will take that long. Remember, it’s tempting to put everything you do in one commercial...resist this NOW. Put one idea or thing in one commercial. This will not confuse the listener. In Radio at least and to some extent in Television, if you think you must advertise everything you do, get more than 1 ad done up and run them on a rotating basis. We offer 3 ad’s for the price of 2 and this way your potential customer won’t get bored with hearing or watching the same ad all the time. If you have any questions about this I’d be glad to talk to you further about your next successful ad campaign.
Bryan Cox

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Saturday, February 28, 2009


Allot say that Gangs are ruling the country, weather it be the US or Canada. Asian, Mexican, Mafia, Black, Motorcycle, what ever. With my tongue planted firmly in my cheek, I’m going to look at gangs for a sec here because here in Canada we have new anti-gang laws going into place. This might fit any where in the World though.
Look up the definition of word “Gang” and you come up with
(1) are generally perceived as a distinct aggregation by others in their neighborhood...translation...a bunch of guys that always hang out together.
(2) recognise themselves as a denotable group (almost invariably with a group name);...translation....a bunch of guys that have a name for their group.
(3) have been involved in a sufficient number of incidents to call forth a consistent negative response from neighbourhood residents and/or law enforcement agencies.....translation...if the people around you and the cops don’t like what your’re in a gang. Another definition is...A gang is a group of people who through the organisation, formation, and establishment of an assemblage share a common identity....
There is a massive comparison screaming to be made here. The definition of a gang compared to Political parties or politicians.
-Gangs...have a name tattooed on their body or embroidered on the back of there jacket. Political Parties have a name too usually with some sort of symbol.
-Gangs have to vote you in through some sort of initiation. You can join a political Party but to become a have to go through an election as kind of a initiation.
-Gangs break the law...some politicians and parties break the law too. (Taxes, Bribes etc.)
-Gangs sell bad drugs, Politicians run the health care system and buy and sell good drugs.
-Gangs unfairly extort money from good people, politicians unfairly tax good people.
-Gangs do things and act in a way that most people don’t like, Political Parties and Politicians do things and act in a way that more people don’t like.
-Gangs hold conventions, Political Parties hold conventions
-Gangs gather at a club house, Politicians gather at the Hill.

Well this list could go on forever, but you get the idea. I’m not in favour of gangs, except for the ones that use to beat me up in the school yard...hey you guys are still cool...nudgen nudge, wink, wink!! But as we grow past those gangs we learn to take the punches from a whole new legal gang. Now more than ever we are all relying on the gang we elected to help us and show us a light on the other side of the school yard. I can only hope that you and your family stay and work together through these terrible times. The Gang we elected can’t give us all the answers, some of those have to come from deep down inside you.

PS ... I hope some lawyer doesn't use this in some kind of twisted defence. Please feel free to add any more comparisons that you might think of.
Thanks for the read and comments are always welcome.
Bryan Cox

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Friday, February 27, 2009

BRAND...Yourself !!

This is going to be short and sweet...Mr. James is a very entertaining business writer and has come up with something that you might find interesting.
You can now brand your company or yourself in alittle over 2 minutes. What is branding? How much does it cost? Drop by and take a out this could be
Branding in 2 minutes
Thanks for the Read
Bryan Cox

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

C.B.C. in deep DO-DO

The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) is in trouble like so many broadcasters in Canada. Just the other day Greg Weston hit the nail on the head when he wrote a very cool article about the CBC...MORE.
“Mr. Weston writes, "The CBC brass evidently continues to operate on the assumption there isn't much a government cheque can't cure." CBC/Radio-Canada has not asked Government for a hand-out, an increased subsidy or an increase to our appropriation. In this economic environment, when every industry is in
difficulty, everyone has to tighten their belts. We understand that.”...MORE.
At that time, it’s true they didn’t ask for a hand out but a day later this happened.... “The CBC expects serious funding shortfalls in the upcoming fiscal year and is looking to the federal government for financial help.
CBC president Hubert Lacroix has said that a $65-million advertising shortfall forced the corporation to draw from reserve funds to balance its books this fiscal year.”...MORE.
The CBC has become to comfortable. Everyone that works at the CBC is looked after by a strong union and gets a fantastic salary. There are those that don’t want advertising anywhere near the CBC. Spouting things like, “it’s a National Treasure” or “it’s all about our Canadian Identity”. Come on WAKE UP!! If you want to be in broadcasting in Canada or’s about MONEY!! Advertising brings in Money and the sales force at the CBC are lazy!! On CBC television for example all you get are ads insurance for the over 50 crowd...Canada’s biggest panhandler, Rod Black, asking for money to help some starving to get a reverse mortgage for you home and just when you are having dinner..some kid with leprosy pops on the screen. My guess is that you’ll be able to help those kids by driving to the bank in your well insured car and withdrawing oodles of cash from your reverse mortgage. Come on CBC get out there, hit the pavement and sell advertising time. While you’re at it CBC, make or bring in shows that real Canadians want to watch. Then you’ll be turning advertisers away fro the door. Use the money that taxpayers give you...smartly. If you don’t, you’ll end up doing pledge drives like PBS to protect the “Canadian Identity” type of programming.
Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox

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