Friday, April 3, 2009

You've Worked in Radio To Long IF...

Thanks to my hard working radio buddy Darren James for this...JUST TO FUNNY

You know you've been in radio too long if ...

You were first hired by a GM who actually worked in radio before becoming GM.

You excitedly turn the radio up at the sound of "dead air" on the competitor's station.

Sales guys wore Old Spice to cover the smell of liquor.

You were playing Elvis' number one hits when he was alive.

You worked for only ONE station, and you could name the guy who owned it.

You remember when normal people listened to AM radio, and only "hippies" listened to FM.

Radio stations used to have enough on-air talent to field a baseball team every summer.

You're at least 10 years older than the last two PD's who fired you.

You used to smoke in the studio's and control room, and nobody cared.

You know the difference between good reel-to-reel tape and cheap reel-to-reel tape.

You have a white wax pencil, a razor blade, and a spool of 3M splicing tape in your desk drawer.

You can start a record, run down the hall to the toilet, and be back in 2:50 for the segue.

You knew exactly where to put the tone on the end of a carted song.

You only did "make-goods" if the client complained. Otherwise, who cares?

Sixty percent of your wardrobe has a station logo on it.

You always had a screwdriver in the studio so you could take a fouled-up cartridge apart at a moment's notice.

Agents were people like Maxwell Smart, James Bond and the Man From Uncle.

You answer your home phone with the station call letters.

You used to fight with the news guy over air-time. After all, what was more important:
the dumb joke about your ex-wife, or that tornado warning?

You still have nightmares of a song running out and not being able to find the control room door.

You run a phone contest and nobody called, so you made up a name and gave the tickets to your cousin.
Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox

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1 comment:

Unknown said...

I remember most of everything on that list. I guess that means I am in the biz toooo long? :)