Saturday, February 28, 2009


Allot say that Gangs are ruling the country, weather it be the US or Canada. Asian, Mexican, Mafia, Black, Motorcycle, what ever. With my tongue planted firmly in my cheek, I’m going to look at gangs for a sec here because here in Canada we have new anti-gang laws going into place. This might fit any where in the World though.
Look up the definition of word “Gang” and you come up with
(1) are generally perceived as a distinct aggregation by others in their neighborhood...translation...a bunch of guys that always hang out together.
(2) recognise themselves as a denotable group (almost invariably with a group name);...translation....a bunch of guys that have a name for their group.
(3) have been involved in a sufficient number of incidents to call forth a consistent negative response from neighbourhood residents and/or law enforcement agencies.....translation...if the people around you and the cops don’t like what your’re in a gang. Another definition is...A gang is a group of people who through the organisation, formation, and establishment of an assemblage share a common identity....
There is a massive comparison screaming to be made here. The definition of a gang compared to Political parties or politicians.
-Gangs...have a name tattooed on their body or embroidered on the back of there jacket. Political Parties have a name too usually with some sort of symbol.
-Gangs have to vote you in through some sort of initiation. You can join a political Party but to become a have to go through an election as kind of a initiation.
-Gangs break the law...some politicians and parties break the law too. (Taxes, Bribes etc.)
-Gangs sell bad drugs, Politicians run the health care system and buy and sell good drugs.
-Gangs unfairly extort money from good people, politicians unfairly tax good people.
-Gangs do things and act in a way that most people don’t like, Political Parties and Politicians do things and act in a way that more people don’t like.
-Gangs hold conventions, Political Parties hold conventions
-Gangs gather at a club house, Politicians gather at the Hill.

Well this list could go on forever, but you get the idea. I’m not in favour of gangs, except for the ones that use to beat me up in the school yard...hey you guys are still cool...nudgen nudge, wink, wink!! But as we grow past those gangs we learn to take the punches from a whole new legal gang. Now more than ever we are all relying on the gang we elected to help us and show us a light on the other side of the school yard. I can only hope that you and your family stay and work together through these terrible times. The Gang we elected can’t give us all the answers, some of those have to come from deep down inside you.

PS ... I hope some lawyer doesn't use this in some kind of twisted defence. Please feel free to add any more comparisons that you might think of.
Thanks for the read and comments are always welcome.
Bryan Cox

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Friday, February 27, 2009

BRAND...Yourself !!

This is going to be short and sweet...Mr. James is a very entertaining business writer and has come up with something that you might find interesting.
You can now brand your company or yourself in alittle over 2 minutes. What is branding? How much does it cost? Drop by and take a out this could be
Branding in 2 minutes
Thanks for the Read
Bryan Cox

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Thursday, February 26, 2009

C.B.C. in deep DO-DO

The CBC (Canadian Broadcasting Corporation) is in trouble like so many broadcasters in Canada. Just the other day Greg Weston hit the nail on the head when he wrote a very cool article about the CBC...MORE.
“Mr. Weston writes, "The CBC brass evidently continues to operate on the assumption there isn't much a government cheque can't cure." CBC/Radio-Canada has not asked Government for a hand-out, an increased subsidy or an increase to our appropriation. In this economic environment, when every industry is in
difficulty, everyone has to tighten their belts. We understand that.”...MORE.
At that time, it’s true they didn’t ask for a hand out but a day later this happened.... “The CBC expects serious funding shortfalls in the upcoming fiscal year and is looking to the federal government for financial help.
CBC president Hubert Lacroix has said that a $65-million advertising shortfall forced the corporation to draw from reserve funds to balance its books this fiscal year.”...MORE.
The CBC has become to comfortable. Everyone that works at the CBC is looked after by a strong union and gets a fantastic salary. There are those that don’t want advertising anywhere near the CBC. Spouting things like, “it’s a National Treasure” or “it’s all about our Canadian Identity”. Come on WAKE UP!! If you want to be in broadcasting in Canada or’s about MONEY!! Advertising brings in Money and the sales force at the CBC are lazy!! On CBC television for example all you get are ads insurance for the over 50 crowd...Canada’s biggest panhandler, Rod Black, asking for money to help some starving to get a reverse mortgage for you home and just when you are having dinner..some kid with leprosy pops on the screen. My guess is that you’ll be able to help those kids by driving to the bank in your well insured car and withdrawing oodles of cash from your reverse mortgage. Come on CBC get out there, hit the pavement and sell advertising time. While you’re at it CBC, make or bring in shows that real Canadians want to watch. Then you’ll be turning advertisers away fro the door. Use the money that taxpayers give you...smartly. If you don’t, you’ll end up doing pledge drives like PBS to protect the “Canadian Identity” type of programming.
Thanks for the read
Bryan Cox

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Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Recession "Snowball" Buries Voice Actors?

The spider ate a fly.... and so on and so on. It’s becoming evident that this trickle down effect is being felt in the world of voice overs. Voice actors are starting to feel the pinch of the recession. According the one of my favourite business writers Jim Edwards at BNET, clients are taking much longer to pay the the ad agencies. His article is a real eye opener ...” The news is predictable: In a recession, every company will try to delay payments as long as possible in order to keep the interest earned on the money.
But in the advertising business, delayed payment is an ongoing issue that frustrates agencies, who end up becoming their clients’ banks. Basically, if a client expects an agency to handle large upfront costs and then delays payments, the agency ends up acting as the client’s financier.
The issue becomes thornier because, knowing that every day without payment is a day on which the agency loses its own interest on the missing cash, agencies seek ways to reduce their exposure that aren’t always in the client’s best interest.
The temptation is to manipulate the vendor bidding process in order to go with vendors that are more flexible about waiting for payments from agencies, rather than those that provide the best work.”...MORE. Also check out the article from the WSJ....MORE.
These massive companies get into bed with an ad agency and during a recession neither one leaves a virgin. What the company has to do now is start to advertise smarter, get more for their ad dollars. Look at new media like the internet, pick better times to advertise on TV, change your ads so people don’t get bored with them and shop around for a good fair priced ad agency. You are paying WAY TOO MUCH right now.
As for the ad agency, who by the way are in real trouble too.
“At least 24,502 jobs have been lost recently. That total is based on a Bureau of Labour Statistics report as summarised by Ad Age, updated with more recent individual reports tracked by BNET”......MORE. Just get back to good honest basics.
The voice actor is caught in the middle of this whole mess. The client hires the ad agency, who in turn hires the voice actor to voice the commercial. So the whole house of cards comes tumbling down if the client fails to pay the agency. As a voice actor I’d like to see ad agency clients and ad agencies, start using a grass roots common sense approach to advertising. In a recession you have to advertise more. A couple of reasons for you here, it takes a bit more convincing for folks to get out a spend their hard earned dollars and it gives you a leg up on your competition who cut their ad budgets during a recession. You won’t be history but, people will remember you after the recession is history. Thanks for the read, comments are always welcome and if you need help with your advertising, feel free to contact me.
Bryan Cox-Voice Actor

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Monday, February 23, 2009

Don LaFontaine SNUBBED by OSCAR

Mr LaFontaine was not included in the Oscars In Memoriam montage. He was the voice of thousands movie trailers that put millions of movie goers in the seats of theatres across the world. Everyone seems of be upset that Brad Renfro (who was he TMZ?) was omitted. He was a drug addict and not a member of the Academy. You wonder why he was dropped...ummm. Don did more for the movie industry that Refro could ever do. Don didn’t use, good looks, box office draw, star power, to bring people out to the movies...he just used his “voice”. When folks heard that one line, “In a World”, they knew this is a movie the had to see. Shame on the Academy. Don you will not be forgotten!! If you'd like to complain to the Academy...

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Wednesday, February 18, 2009

CRTC "Don't know DICK"

The CRTC is moving toward controlling Internet in Canada. China does a great job of that too. On the verge if having a whole new internet IPv6 unveiled, you wonder about their timing. The CRTC should have absolutely nothing to do with the Internet. In my opinion, these men and women, kind of know radio, tv and telecommunications, and in my opinion they don’t know that very well either. So why would they think they could handle the internet? If the Government thinks they MUST get involved with the internet, then there should be is a whole government ministry devoted to to internet. That works with Canadians to make it better and more useful. It should be staffed by qualified internet people not bureaucrats. But if they start to play the censorship card like the CRTC does so well...shut em down. Please keep the CRTC doing what they’re good at, ruining broadcasting in Canada.
Here’s a list of the government appointed commissioners and a brief bio , but to find out more please visit
I ask you to think about how many REALLY know Broadcasting. I mean worked in it, have a solid background. How many have worked with the internet from the ground up...really have an understanding of it. I’m talking about QUALIFIED EXPERTS in both fields.
Mr Finckenstein...You have a Judge
Mr. Arpin..You have a guy with only 8 years Broadcasting Experience before becoming a Bureaucrat.
Mr. Katz..a Telecommunications guy...but also in charge of broadcasting
Ms Cugini...a broadcasting Bureaucrat.
Mr. Denton...a lawyer
Ms. Duncan...she was a financial officer.
Ms Lamarre..Broadcast engineer with the CBC
Mr Menzies...Newspaper guy
Ms. Molnar...Customer Service Bureaucrat for a phone company
Mr. Morin..30 years as a journalist, but worked for Radio-Canada and RDI.
Mr. Patrone...a reporter
Ms. Poirier...a municipal politician
Mr. Simpson...a marketing and public relations guy
Mr. A. Morin...been employed by the Government in various departments, a Bureaucrat.
You tax dollars are paying for these folks to be the watch dogs of Canadian Media and now the Internet. This is like putting a 7-11 gas jockey in charge of GM. I can’t sing a note but I have over 25 year experience in Radio and Broadcasting, maybe I should become a singer and make records. Hey, I used to play them. The world of Media is changing at a very rapid pace and in my opinion the CRTC has out live it’s usefulness. Time to go. Time to be replaced by people that know what they’re doing.
Thanks for the reading my opinion.
Bryan Cox

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Sunday, February 15, 2009

The CRTC are Idiots

They must wake up every morning and say, “I think people respect us too much. Lets come up with a idiotic idea.” Then they go over to the wall where they’ve written down all their stupid ideas and throw a dart at it, and when the dart hits one, that’s the one they go public with. The Canadian Broadcast Watchdogs, the CRTC, have really out done themselves this time. This arm of the Government not only tells Canadian broadcasters that they must run 50%+ Canadian programming but they also block US shows for being shown in Canada on the internet. Some what Communist China does with articles about politics and subjects like “How to make a product without Lead”.
Canadian Broadcasters are coming off a very bad year. Profits are down over 60% in some cases. Now the CRTC say that they are looking at the idea to retool Television in Canada. Their idea is, that for every dollar that Canadian TV execs spend bringing in a US show ( ie CSI, American Idol) they must spend an equal amount on the production on a Canadian show.
With a record layoffs, due to extreme financial losses in the Television industry, the CRTC have come up with an idea that's going to shove an already ailing industry, that makes stuff that no one wants to watch, into the dumper a bit quicker.
Let’s face it, people like the US shows, that’s why they’re watching. The US makes high budget good TV, most of the time. So the CRTC thinks that the more money broadcasters spend on a show, the better the show. NO. Shows in Canada are made on much smaller budgets that their US counter parts. So if more money is thrown at a Canadian show, they’ll take it, saying, WOW now we can pay our people like they do in the US.” Think for a minute here too, when the actor and broadcast unions find out that you’re getting more money, they’ll want more money. You end up with the same “Anne of Green Gables” or David Suzuki saving the gopher shows, just with a bigger price tag on them.
Here’s an idea, make shows that “real people” want to watch. You could go to the government and ask for a bail out. I’m sure that Canadians would mind their money being spent on keeping Television alive in Canada. After all, isn’t that what we’re doing by funding the CRTC?
Remember there are millions of Canadians out of a job... and what do they have to do all day, except watch tv..nudge, nudge, wink, wink.
In a perfect Canadian television world, the CRTC would shut down all US signals coming into Canada and force us all to watch nothing but television made for, and by Canadians. So much for free enterprise. That’s my opinion. I have over 25 years experience in Broadcasting.
Thanks for the read,
Bryan Cox

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Friday, February 6, 2009

Cox on Corner Gas

Well it’s over with now and it’s been on the air. My little cameo on the hit tv show “Corner Gas”. Yes, it is the Number 1 sitcom in Canada. it was a blast to do and the whole crew was incredible. Although I have a 18 inch neck and the shirt I was wearing was Here’s a clip of what it looked like. Keep your eye’s open for the Passport Official...he’s a real Jack
Hope you enjoy this as much as I did doing it.
Bryan Cox

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